Terravore - Scaphism

Back in the time, five hundred years before the birth of Christ
Worst execution, method of scaphism, vile retribution
Placed inside a hollowed, narrow boat
Hands and feed tied to hull with a rope
Forced to ingest milk and honey 'til you uncontrollably eject
Vomit your own guts, defaecate
Immersed in a swamp of faeces and decay
Exposed to the sun, certain slow death eventually occurs
Die in excrements!

Intestinal infection, diarrhea, nauseate
Festering, septic wounds, sore putrefaction

Enticed by the stench, insects would descend
Biting and stinging, torture 'til the death

Take another breath, 'cause that's not the end!

Crawling on your skin, burrowing into your eyes
Laying eggs down your mouth, maggots and parasites

Breeding within, swarm of worms, flies, leeches and vermin
Slowly decayed, gangrenous pile of festering larvae
Decomposing flesh, rotten corpse
Floating on the stagnant execution pond
Boats of torment, seventeen days of tortured decadence
Dehydrated state, septic shock
Scooped out bowels languish in the log
Doom is upon, torturous scaphism must be undergone
Protracted agony

Consumed from the inside out, tissue dripping away
Entrails reduced to mash, corrosive morbid decay

Gnaw, flesh, gall, feast

Suffering dreadful death, abhorrent painful decease
Humiliating gruesome act, scaphism bound, fatality